VAGA JE POKAZALA DA IMA 169 KILOGRAMA i tada je odlučila da promeni svoj život! Danas je fantazija svih muškaraca! (FOTO)
Danas joj je samo ostao višak kože, Foto: Printscreen/Instagram/simone_anderson

ovo kao da nije ista osoba!

VAGA JE POKAZALA DA IMA 169 KILOGRAMA i tada je odlučila da promeni svoj život! Danas je fantazija svih muškaraca! (FOTO)

Za samo dve godine skinula je 92 kilograma, a najveću promenu u samopouzdanju donelo joj je popunjavanje usana


Simon Anderson, 27-godišnjakinja sa Novog Zelanda, odlučila je da napravi promenu u svom životu kada je njena vaga pokazala da ima 169 kilograma.

Odlučila je da svakog dana šeta po sat vremena ili pliva, a nakon već mesec dana uočila je kako se kilogrami tope.

Dva meseca kasnije otišla je na operaciju želudca i posle zahvata smršala ukupno 92 kilograma. Sada čeka na drugu operaciju uklanjanja viška kože i oseća se izvanredno.

Tvrdi kako joj je pri bržem oporavku nakon operacije pomoglo vežbanje, a svoju neverovatnu promenu i savete za zdrav način života objavljuje na svom Instagramu.

Simon redovno obaveštava svoje pratioce o promeni svog životnog stila.

Real talk: the photo on the right is posed as hell. I have angled my body to create the best lines possible, make my waist look the smallest, lifted my arm to stretch out my loose skin and put my thighs at a flattering angle. These are the sorts of images we compare ourselves to every single day. A perfectly posed, ideal version of the human body. You see so many girls standing on their tip toes, pointing their toes and contorting their bodies and I’m guilty of it to. It makes you look leaner, longer and thinner. Even though I preach body confidence and positivity there are still moments when I want to turn my body and lean it out and hide my legs. But what’s different is how I deal with it. I give myself a little internal chat, shake off the negative thoughts and remind myself how lucky I am to have this functioning body! It’s great to feel comfortable and confident in your pose but it’s even better to feel frigging fabulous in no pose relaxed and casual. When we look at the image on the left we need to realise that there is nothing wrong with this unposed natural relaxed standing image. It’s the exact same body as the right, so why on earth should I like this image more! We definitely do not need to compare ourselves to anybody else’s highlight reel, after all those models in the magazine don’t even look like that most of the time. Let’s love all angles of ourselves because it’s the only body we have got, and why should we feel the need to spend a single second hating it! The countdown is on now until I add a few more scars to this bod with @drrepta_plasticsurgery - 55 days!! PS. When I saw this bikini I asked Trent what he thought, he said it was ugly... so I went back to Kmart the next day and got it hahahaha

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- Iz korena sam promenila svoje navike. Sada pazim šta jedem i redovno vežbam. Uz to, uradila sam operaciju zatezanja stomaka, uklonila salo sa leđa i podigla grudi - objašnjava ova šminkerka, dodajući da su radovi pri kraju i da joj je ostalo samo da ukloni višak kože na butinama i zadnjici.

Bonus video

DA VAM SRCE PUKNE: Kada vidite kako majka peva svom teško bolesnom sinu, nećete moći da zaustavite suze!


Uz Espreso aplikaciju nijedna druga vam neće trebati. Instalirajte i proverite zašto!

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