Samohrana majka, Foto: Printscreen/Instagram



Konstans je odlučila da razbije mit o samohranim majkama


Konstans Hol, australijska blogerka i majka četvoro dece, na veoma zabavan i iskren način u brojnim objavama opisala je kako izgleda život samohrane majke.

Konstans je odlučila da razbije mit o samohranim majkama. Kako bi približila širokim narodnim masama problematiku i etiketu "razuzdane razvedenice" navela je argumente koji ruše sve predrasude o ženama kao što je ona.

1. Samohrane majke ne traže nove očeve za svoju decu, dosta im je i ovaj jedan kojeg uglavnom nemaju jer za sve što treba tu je mama koja će odraditi sve što se od nje traži.

2. Deca samohranih mama nisu u nepovoljnom položaju. Jedini nedostatak koji takva deca mogu da osete je činjenica da njihovu mamu i njihovu malu porodicu društvo jako često osuđuje i žali. Srećom, to su pametna deca koja znaju da prežive.

3. To što nemaju tatu, ne znači da nemaju ništa. Neke samohrane majke rade kao lude da bi zaradile i za svoju decu i za sebe. Neke zarađuju više pa nose Šanel, neke zarađuju manje i nose robu bez potpisa. To je kao i sa svim ostalim ljudima, a zove se - različitost.

Some people write to me and they say that they wish their relationship was as passionate as mine is. Let me tell you about our passion. Yes we are desperately in love, but with all love comes fights, resentment, unresolvable differences and nights slept in separate beds. What makes our relationship different to the people who message me? 2 things. 1, we are still in the honeymoon stage, only 2.5 years in. We believe we are soul mates, glued together for thousands of years but in this life, our love is still very new. And 2, the key, the one thing that keeps us alive and all love needs to grow TIME ALONE. We worked away yesterday. We drove with no kids, flew with no kids, slept with no kids, supported each other’s work with no kids, ate dinner with no kids. And then we found ourselves ordering deserts in bed, having extra special sex, rubbing each other’s sore backs, laughing at old jokes and creating new ones. We were playful, passionate, respectful, we drank red wine, I told him things I had never told anyone, he listened. We pointed out which parts of each other’s faces we loved the most and which parts of each other bodies we had to try and ignore if we wanted sex to last longer if you can read between those lines, like those smile lines on my face that Denim begs my to never have injected or those lines in the poetry he writes about me, deep and obscure. And then we land home, the kids are messaging and angry at us for something, the baby awaits us and all the sleepless nights he brings with him, we found ourselves snapping as we took the wrong turn and couldn’t decide if it was the drivers or the directors fault. Just like everyone else. But if we are all put on this earth to love then one of the challenges we must overcome is finding time. Not just date night time, entire night time. Even a weekend. If you really love each other you will ask your friends to help you love, take their kids for the weekend so they can love each other freely and ask them to do the same. Post continued in comments Photo credit @willow.and.wilde

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4. Nisu samohrane majke te koje se osećaju nelagodno u društvu parova. Zapravo, one se ne osećaju nelagodno ni u društvu ljudi, ni životinja, ni vatrogasnih vozila ni sendviča. Ne biste to rekli, ali da, tako vam je to.

5. One nisu nikakva posebna sorta ljudi. Svako se može sutra probuditi i odjednom postati samohrani roditelj. Hteli to oni ili ne.

6. Njihova deca nisu prtljag. Oni su blago koje ima svaka mama, samo što samohrane majke brinu malo više nego druge. Možda se moraju malo više oslanjati na vlastite instinkte i sigurno će dva puta razmisliti pre nego što ih daju nekome na čuvanje.

7. Samohrane majke ne žele vaše muževe. U to budite sigurne. Njima je dosta onih bivših i neće se mučiti da bi vam otele ta vaša hrkajuća blaga. Previše se muče same da bi im tamo neki opet pokvario koncepciju.

And we are launched!!! It’s Queens day. Celebrating the most flattering Queen the Label dress ever designed. I designed this baby for my curves, because I wanted a dress that turned them into an asset instead of a burden. They fabric is slightly thicker then we usually use to offer a bit of warmth and a drape that adds to the sex appeal. And here she is. It was originally too revealing for everyone so I did an instagram poll on if I should put a little stitch at the cleavage or a hook to give you the option to go revealing and show those tits or hide them as a sneak peak for the world. The results were split down the middle so the black dress is slightly more expensive as it has a hook that gives the option to wear it like I do with the bra on show or cover it up, perfect for breast feeding. If you want to wear the printed dresses open like I do, you can just cut the stitch easily, that’s what I did for the photo shoot, coz as we know, I’m a tits out kind a gal. The winner of the free dress is.... Amanda Budge.. nominated by Paula Clarke, Because they met under tragic circumstances in the neonatal intensive care unit and I have been in that unit and I know that the way women care for each other in there is the true essence of woman hood. Please inbox us your side and address quickly before sell out!!! Go Queens, but the dress, eat the cake, drink the wine, spoil the kids and fuck the lover today. Today you are nothing but a Queen. Happy Queens day beautiful creatures. Hurry before they sell out ??? Link in my bio ??? @queenthelabel Photographer @willow.and.wilde

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Konstans je opisala kako se osećala kad ju je suprug napustio.

"Pre dve godine, kad je moj muž odlučio da ode ("samo na kratko"), bila sam jedna od vas. I znate šta? Nisam se uopšte osećala udobno u društvu ostalih majki. Nisam bila kao one. Nisam im pripadala. A nisam pripadala ni društvu devojka bez dece, ni rastavljenih žena bez dece.

Bila sam nigde i nisam pripadala nigde. Ali nisam se osećala žalosno niti sam osećala da ljudi moraju da me sažaljevaju.

Jednostavno sam se držala svojih životnih poslova, držala sam se svoje dece i odrađivala svoju dužnost onako kako je meni odgovaralo. Jedino što me u celoj toj priči bolelo je bila ta prokleta stigma samohrane mame. To je ono što najviše pogađa mame koje nemaju partnere. Ima tu još svega, ali ta stigma, ti stereotipi i to neznanje, ono je što najviše boli".

Bonus video:

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