ZBOG OVE FOTOGRAFIJE DOBILA JE PRETNJE SMRĆU! Blogerka na udaru kritika zbog DETALJA na njenom krevetu! (FOTO)
Foto: Instagram printscreen

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ZBOG OVE FOTOGRAFIJE DOBILA JE PRETNJE SMRĆU! Blogerka na udaru kritika zbog DETALJA na njenom krevetu! (FOTO)

Ona je zbog fotke na kojoj sedi na krevetu dobila ogroman broj pogrdnih komentara, a neki od hejtera su joj poručili da se ubije


Skarlet London , modna blogerka koju na Instagramu prati 24 hiljade ljudi kaže da je primila mnoštvo pretnji smrću zbog fotke koju je objavila.

Ona je zbog fotke na kojoj sedi na krevetu dobila ogroman broj pogrdnih komentara, a neki od hejtera su joj poručili da se ubije.

Skarlet na fotografiji reklamira vodicu za ispiranje usta, a pozira sa šoljicom u krevetu na kojemu su jagode i palačinke, a pored kreveta nekoliko balona.

- Najbolji dani počinju osmehom i pozitivnim mislima. I palačinkama. I jagodama. I obiljem čaja - napisala je blogerka, a onda je usledio napad.

Hejteri su besni jer na krevetu nisu palačinke nego tortilje, šoljica koju drži je potpuno prazna, a na krevetu je pokrivač s njenim likom.

"Tako si lažna, muka mi je", "prestani promovisati lažni život", "imaš loš zadah, zato si sama", samo su neki od komentara ispod fotografije. I glumica Amanda Abington uključila se u hajku.

- Nikad se nisam ovakva probudila, pogotovo ovakve kose. Šta je s ovim balonima u pozadini? Ko još drži vodicu za ispiranje usta pored kreveta? - napisala je glumica na Tviteru.

Skarlet se požalila novinarima kako je mnogi smatraju opasnom za mlade devojke i kako ružne komentare i pretnje više ne može da podnese.

Smatra da ne daje lažnu sliku života i žao joj je što nije ostvarila svoj primarni cilj.

In the last 48 hours, grown men & women, MP’s, women’s equality representatives, journalists, actresses and broadcasters have discovered my Instagram feed and decided to pick it apart online, in front of thousands. Each time I refresh my page, hundreds of new nasty messages pour onto my Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, some of which have contained malicious death threats. There are now hundreds of thousands of tweets circling the internet, shaming me. I implore those mindlessly sharing this content to research who I am as a person, before they further drag my name and image through the mud. Yes, I do adverts on here, but only with brands I genuinely use and would spend money on myself. My feed isn’t a place of reality (let’s talk about Exhibit A - above - I mean who spends their time in such a beautiful city, perched on a ledge, ice-cream in hand and smile permanently affixed to her face, it’s staged guys). Sometimes my photos are whimsical and OTT and a little too pink, but I’m not presenting this as an ‘idealistic’ version of life that young girls should aspire to. Those who follow me will know my reality. I try to raise awareness for the digestive condition I suffer from, the same condition that years ago threatened me graduating from university. My Instagram has been an outlet to show you can be positive and have fun with life, despite this condition. I personally don’t think my content is harmful to young girls but I do agree Instagram can present a false expectation for people to live up to. And I am wholeheartedly sorry if I’ve ever made anyone feel inadequate through my content. My life mission is quite the opposite. I am a strong 24-year-old woman who has experienced bullying in the past. I am and will be okay after this hideous experience. But another young girl or guy as the subject of a targeted hate campaign might not be okay. Please remember at the centre of of every viral storm is a human being. ❤️

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- Imam bolest probave, htela sam da pokažem devojkama da se može živeti normalno i u tom stanju- kaže London i dodaje da su je i u detinjstvu vršnjaci maltretirali.



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