LEKARI SU JE 4 PUTA SLALI NA PSIHIJATRIJU: Bivša rijaliti učesnica se ZARAZILA i sada se muči i trpi jake BOLOVE!
Jasmin Lenard, 33-godišnja manekenka, zvezda britanskog "Velikog brata, Foto: Instagram

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LEKARI SU JE 4 PUTA SLALI NA PSIHIJATRIJU: Bivša rijaliti učesnica se ZARAZILA i sada se muči i trpi jake BOLOVE!

Manekenka se zarazila bizarnom tropskom bolešću kod koje paraziti putuju po telu bolesnika i mogu da se smeste u srcu bolesnika,


Jasmin Lenard, 33-godišnja manekenka, zvezda britanskog "Velikog brata" i bivša devojka Kristijana Ronalda, šokirala je svoje pratioce na Instagramu nakon što je objavila uznemirujuću poruku, a onda je iz nepoznatih razloga obrisala.

Is a look ??‍♀️??‍♀️ #treschic #hospitalglam - Thank you to all the people who’ve reached out to me and sent me love and support and well wishes. I can’t explain how much it means to me. You may not think your message means much if I don’t know you but it does. I read them all and really appreciate them. Been thinking about deleting my IG recently because it’s just becoming hospital diaries and it’s depressing as fuck I don’t know. I don’t wanna depress you guys. As far as an update it’s a complete joke that my kidneys are fucked now too on top of everything else but I’m soldiering on. Not got a choice. I’m up and down, feeling strong and determined one min and crying like a little kid the next . I feel like if I can get through all this alone though I can do anything. I’m realising despite a few tears mainly when I get tired I’m actually pretty badass and strong. Stronger than I thought. Had a bad day and ripped the line out my arm because it literally felt like it was going to fall off it was throbbing. I can’t take any more iv‘s and needles for a minute but I’m still here ☺️??? Hanging in there. Thanks again for the love. Nb for everyone saying I hope you get better soon and stuff I get thats a common expression and shit but I don’t have a cold it’s not like I’m suddenly going to wake up in a few days and be ok. There’s no end in sight I don’t even know how to reply to that when people ask are you feeling better now?. I want to say yes and thank you but it’s not like that. it’s a Journey I’m on and at the moment there’s a no end in sight. I just have to take it a day at a time. It’s been months and months like this. All different things keep going wrong so it’s just like a never ending story book. Anyway thanks for all your kind words and support. I’m really grateful. ??‍♀️?????#attitudeofgratitude #littlesoldier #memyselfandi #mysocalledlife #rollingwiththepunches #endemetriosis

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Manekenka se zarazila bizarnom tropskom bolešću kod koje paraziti putuju po telu bolesnika i mogu da se smeste u srcu bolesnika, gde mogu da žive i razmnožavaju se godinama.

"Četiri puta sam išla u bolnicu i rekla lekarima da insekti gmižu po mom telu. Četiri puta me nisu shvatili ozbiljno već su me poslali psihijatru jer su mislili da nešto nije u redu sa mnom. Četiri puta su zanemarili sve što sam im rekla i uskratili mi lečenje. Četiri puta su me odbili na temelju izgleda jer su zbog moje mršavosti zaključili da imam problem s drogama ili da bolujem od šizofrenije. Na kraju se ispostavilo da sam u pravu i da sam jako bolesna. Ako ne umrem, sve ću ih tužiti", napisala je Jasmin.

Dodala je i da se trenutno leči, ali se oseća kao da umire. Naglasila je i da je veoma razočarana u osoblje bolnice jer nikada nisu ni čuli za bolest od koje boluje.

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