OVA ŽENA JE IZGUBILA 50 KG: Ostao joj je, međutim, JEDAN PROBLEM
Ostao joj višak kože i celulit, Foto: printscreen/instagram

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OVA ŽENA JE IZGUBILA 50 KG: Ostao joj je, međutim, JEDAN PROBLEM

Prestala je da meri svoju vrednost po tome kako izgleda, i sada je puno srećnija


Sara Nikol Landri (34), majka troje dece iz Kanade, prilično se udebljala nakon što je rodila. Njena težina se u uzrastu od 25 godina popela na 102 kilograma. Odlučila je da smrša i uspela je u tome.

Doslovce se prepolovila, izgubila je 51 kilogram, ali na njenom tijelu ostale su strije, višak kože i celulit - na stomaku, zadnjici i na nogama.

I remember the day I saw those first two photos as a before and after on Pinterest. Someone had taken them from my IG, pinned them and put the words “thinspiration”. I winced. I wanted to be a story of health. Not of “thinness”. But it was happening. Like it or not. And I was responsible for that. And sure, I was proud. Amidst the stress of everything going on in life I had this one thing I was achieving at. I should be proud of that. My life crumbling apart, but I mean, I had this. So girl, plaster a smile on your face and show em what you have going. But that battle was brewing. That feeling of “oh so I made it, and I still don’t feel enough” and the horror of that reality was settling in. I always equated a lot of my unhappiness to my weight, but there I was, rid of it, and left with the same. My weight at its lowest, and depression at its highest. I was trying to fix the problems from the outside in. That had to change. The following days weren’t pretty. Therapy. Identifying PTSD. Coping with food addiction without fear. Divorce. Single motherhood. Loss of friendships. Living with parents. Did I mention how humbling that was? I should have been crippled with shame and failure. Instead, I was finally feeling free. I was dealing with it. I was being what I always wanted to be. Healthy. Inside out. . Which is WHY we gotta talk about that now. I can’t go back and rewrite captions from 3 years ago. My story has progressed and changed. So have I. I think as a society, we are becoming more transparent yet often less genuine all in the same scoop. It’s confusing to know what’s real and what’s not. So we do our best. We share what we choose. We choose what we love. We love what we become. . . I won’t feel ashamed of my past anymore because I’m so proud of where I’m come from it. Past the past. . . Going forward, something about all of this means more to me. I don’t feel like I’m finding my voice or anything. But I’m finding my voice right now. Letting go of the pressure to be anything more than who I am at the moment. There’s a lot ahead of me. There’s a lot behind me. But right now, this is me. . And I am sorry to every girl I ever “thinspired”.

A post shared by Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya) on

Kaže da se u početku osećala nesigurno i skrivala je svoje telo, ali shvatila je da to nema smisla. Prestala je da meri svoju vrednost po tome kako izgleda, i sada je puno srećnija.

Seća se kako je bila ponosna na sebe kada je izgubila višak kilograma, osećala se kao 'nanovo rođena žena', ali prisetila se i kako je ubrzo počela sumnjičavo da gleda svoje telo u ogledalu, nije joj se sviđalo ono što vidi.

I've seen a lot of photos of women that look like me, standing in front of a mirror with a sad look on their face, shoulders down, and a slump in their sadness. ⁣ They are taking a before photo.⁣ I've been a before photo, I've been an after photo too.⁣ ⁣ Now I live to honor my present.⁣ Because the photos, while they can be impactful and meaningful to an overall perspective, they don't give the full story.⁣ If they did, I wouldn't have much to talk about these days.⁣ ⁣ I lost the weight, so happily ever after, the end, right?⁣ ⁣ But that wasn't the story. 100lbs and years of worth poured into weight loss, just to feel a sadness you couldn't see in the after photos.⁣ A never-ending insecurity you couldn't possibly imagine. ⁣ An anxiety to leave the house for fear of people seeing me in public and thinking I wasn't actually all that I appeared to be online.⁣ ⁣ It's a hard thing to explain all that self-confidence has done for me. Call it body positive, call it self-love, whatever. But what HAPPENED was I finally believed I was beautiful. Not "EVEN THOUGH" I was flawed, not "WITH THE EXCEPTION OF" and not "FOR A MOM" or "FOR SOMEONE MY AGE". ⁣ I was believing in a beauty that was more real and gritty. ⁣ It was believing that there are different forms of beauty, and only one would be BORINGGGGG. There are facets of beauty. We all have them, we all represent them in our own ways.⁣ I see that now, I know that now.⁣ I can go in public without fear, because I own my power now. ⁣ ⁣ So, I'm sorry not sorry for the contradiction that I should be standing here as a "before" photo sad and slumped. ⁣ I'm sorry not sorry because this is me, boldly and confidently. ⁣ I'm sorry not sorry because this is the best I've ever felt in my life. Mid-30's, squishy and stretched marked, and it's everything I've ever wanted...⁣ Happily ever becoming. ⁣

A post shared by Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya) on

Kada se oslobodila tog osećaja nesigurnosti i nezadovoljstva, osetila je neko olakšanje, kao da joj je neko skinuo ogroman teret s leđa. Postala je samopouzdanija i više je počela da razmišlja o malim, lepim stvarima koje čine život srećnim.

- Bilo me je strah da će ljudi da kažu kako izgledam odvratno. Prestala sam da pratim profile na društvenim mrežama zbog kojih sam se osećala loše i počela sam pratiti one pozitivne. To mi je pomoglo u promeni načina razmišljanja i doživljavanju same sebe - ispričala je, a prenosi Daily Mail.

Suprug joj je velika podrška.

- Moje telo je ovakvo s razlogom i ne moram stalno da ga usavršavam. Biti manje savršena pre mi je bilo zastrašujuće, ali sada nije. Sada shvatam da moje telo nema nikakve veze sa time koliko vredim kao osoba. Ne želim se do kraja života brinuti zbog celulita ili strija. Želim da uživam u životu i u svojoj porodici - dodala je.

Sara ima dve ćerke i sina - Maju (12), Džemu (10) i Bodena (8).



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